lördag 6 augusti 2011

A new beginning

Why hello there!

Welcome to my new spot - where I bring together my two former (Tumblr) blogs into one. The main reason why I chose to move my blogs, or start over rather, is that I am tired of reblogging, and tired of people reblogging me. This way, I can have my own little place, with my own stuff, which can be described as my little units of life.

I will, mainly, blog about:
- My pathetic IB life (which will end in 285 days)
- My opinions about random stuff
- My obsessions (what they are is to find out later)
- Music, films and other entertainment
- Books, which I am more or less forced into reading
- Running
- Food
- The weather and other not-so-important stuff going on, annoying or amusing me.

Sounds good? Entertaining? Ok? Boring?
Ah well, see you around, fellas!

With a smile,

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